Heath A. Wright, ASLA
Email hwright@uplanddesign.com
Illinois Tollway Tree Initiative
IDOT District 3 Misc. Landscape Improvements / Pollinator Sites
Hoover Forest Preserve Trails, Decks and Bridges: Yorkville, Illinois
Riverview Farmstead Master Plan and Development: Will County Forest Preserve District, Naperville
Maintenance Facility Landscape Plan: Bolingbrook Park District
Baker Woods and Ellis Equestrian Center Master Plan, OSLAD & Construction: Kendall County Forest Preserve District
Four Rivers Environmental Center: Forest Preserve District of Will County
Jay Woods Master Plan & Construction: Kendall County Forest Preserve District
Tree Survey, Naperville Road & East Deihl Road: Naperville, Illinois
Braeburn Park Renovation: Batavia Park District
Memorial Park – Phase I and Phase II Improvements: Batavia Park District
District One – Landscape Projects: Illinois Department of Transportation – Cook and Will County, Illinois
Heath has been instrumental in the implementation of a wide range of landscape architectural and planning projects including sports field complexes, multi-use and recreational trail systems, play grounds, forest preserves, and park renovations. At Upland Design, Heath has led the creation of construction documents and oversight of construction administration on many complex projects. Prior to working at Upland Design, Heath was the Bolingbrook Park District’s project manager.
Registered Landscape Architect
IDOT S-14 Documentation of Contract Quantities – Inspector
ISA Certified Arborist
Professional Activities
American Society of Landscape Architects
International Society of Arboriculture
Midwest Institute of Park Executive (MIPE)
Plainfield Park District Commissioner
Illinois Parks and Recreation Association, Parks Section Member
Village Preservation Association, Plainfield, Illinois
Village of Plainfield Historic Preservation Commission 2004- 2012
More Projects
Downtown Main Street Stair Renovation: West Chicago, Illinois
Interstate 80 Road Widening and Resurfacing Landscape Improvements: Will County, Illinois
Gateway Wetlands Custom Playground: Bolingbrook Park District
Community Park Softball Field: Palos Heights, Illinois
Peck Farm Interpretive Center Overlook Deck: Geneva Park District